Here are some random photos of your favorite kids. The pictures don't fit into much of a theme other than they were all taken within the last few weeks.

It's Fall and the leaves or down. That means Nate and Sean get a chance to romp through big piles before the vacuum truck comes to take the leaves away. It was still warm when we took this picture. That was a perfect day for scattering the piles about as quickly as mom and dad could rake them into place! Nate still had one of his front teeth in his toothy grin so you can tell this picture is a few weeks old.

Here's how things looked when we stacked the piles high. Nate can still get head and shoulders above the top but Sean looks like he's going down to the bottom in quicksand. Be careful Sean -- the leaf truck might not be able to see you. Next thing you know, you'll be turned into mulch!

Now it's cold. We went to visit some friends over the Thanksgiving holiday. They had piles of leaves, too. Lots of them! Nate took a few moments away from the pile hopping to sit down with his new friend, the multicolored frog. There have already been a couple of snows here in the mountains but we've not been so fortunate (or unfortunate as the case may be) to have anything like that near our home.

Sean looks like he's dressed for an arctic expedition in that puffy blue ski jacket. It's really not
that cold yet. But he'd rather run around without any jacket at all so this sure beats the alternative. As usual, Sean doesn't like to pose for the camera so we have to take candid shots from a distance, and catch him by surprise.