The next day we had a chance to tour around the historic district of Charleston, SC in the morning before the wedding. Here, Nate looks like a little angel with wings made of water. Or maybe a bat. Yes, a bat would be a much better analogy for Mr. Nate. He was a good sport though, and didn't whine too much as we dragged him along one cobblestone street after another.

Monkey see, monkey do, of course so Sean had to pose on the exact same granite pillar in front of the same fountain. Two years old, going on six. It's tough to get a good picture of Sean because he's so indifferent to the camera (unlike his glamor-shot brother) so this was an unusual opportunity we had to take. Sean also did remarkably well on this little adventure even though we didn't have enough time to take him on the promised carriage ride.

Here's a rare photo of dad and the boys all together. Usually dad sits on the other side of the camera taking the pictures. It's not apparent from the picture but it was a very windy day. We were about blown off of that little pier on Charleston Harbor. Once the clouds lifted we ditched those windbreakers and got on with our day.
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