We went over to our church to see Santa Clause on Saturday. Sean is an enthusiastic believer as you can see but we're not so sure about Nate. We think Nate's probably hedging his bets, knowing the real deal but choosing to keep quiet so the gifts keep coming. The day started with lots of crafts for the children, then Christmas carols and story time with Mrs. Clause, and finally with Santa himself. Sean could barely contain himself by the time the preliminaries were completed.

Mom and Dad staked out a good spot in line, and the kids got ready to see Santa. After a few minutes they reached the front of the line but still had to wait at the edge of the stage until the way was clear. It was tough duty but Nate and Sean knew there would be candy canes in their future if they could hold in there a bit longer.

Finally they got a chance to sit with Santa and tell him what they wanted. Let's hope that Santa listened!
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