With the holidays fast approaching, we took some time out on a recent rainy afternoon to trim the Christmas Tree. Mom and Nate are both allergic to conifers so we've been using a fake one for years. This one looks pretty good though, and it fits nicely into a small corner of the playroom. Best of all it comes with the all lights already attached!
Nate and Sean sure enjoyed opening each box of ornaments and placing them around the tree.

Nate is very proud of his handwork. He's getting to be so big, and he can reach all the higher spots on the tree now, so that the ornaments don't all clump down where the cat can bat them about. Nate also got to put up his special holiday tradition -- the reindeer lawn decoration that never goes outside. Nate likes to plug in ol' Rudolph and watch his head swivel back and forth. The whole neighborhood knows when Nate sets-up his reindeer!

Sean was more concerned about looking cool. And sneaking candy. If suddenly he's quiet you know he must be up to no good.
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