Nate and Sean both had birthdays recently. They're getting old enough to need separate parties now, so that's twice the planning but fewer kids at each event. It works out about even.

Nate started out the birthday season with an aquarium-themed event. Mom made a cake shaped like a starfish and another shaped like some kind of tropical fish (whatever one happens to be orange and blue -- pick one). He also got a three gallon aquarium as one of his presents since he's done so well with his smaller one the last couple of years.

All of the games were aquarium themed. Here, Nate is "fishing" for prizes. Mom cleverly taped a string to a wooden dowel, and connected a magnet to the end. She put little plastic sea creatures inside of baggies along with another magnet. Everyone had great fun. They also played pin the arm on the octopus and other party games.

Sean followed up with his party a couple of weeks later. We didn't expect to have it outdoors so late in the year but the weather took a wonderful, warm and sunny turn. Sean chose a NASCAR theme. There were race cars everywhere, including the cake and various party decorations. Mom lit the candles and Sean blew them out. But then they lit up again! Mom said she "accidentally" put trick candles on the cake but we're not totally sure we believe that.

Then all the little kids dove into their cake. It was about the only time all afternoon that they were sitting still and being quiet. We loved having everyone running around the backyard but we were happen when it was time to send everyone home, too!
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