Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween 2007

This year, Nate was really interested in decorating for Halloween. We had a ton of pumpkins and he was quite excited about his spider. Sean was much more excited about the chocolate, as you can probably tell from his mouth.
This year was Sean's turn to be the dalmation. Or the "woof, woof puppy" as he calls dogs.
Nate chose to be a Power Ranger, even though he's never actually seen a Power Ranger.

It's not often Dad gets in the picture.
Sean really figured out trick or treating this year. He'd say "appy alloween" all the way up the walk and then refuse to say anything to the person handing out the candy. We ended the night at the annual neighborhood bonfire.
Due to the recent drought, this year the "bonfire" was two fire pits, but it was still a nice way to end the evening.

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