Sunday, September 27, 2009

Clarendon Day

We love living near the Clarendon neighborhood, especially during the annual celebration called Clarendon Day. It's a festival for adults and children alike, with plenty of food, vendors and games. Of course we headed straight over to the kid attractions (like we had a choice). First the kids spotted this climbing tower with each layer composed of flat bungee cords. Nate had no problem zipping to the top.

Surprisingly Sean had no trouble either, once he figured out a trick that worked for him. He couldn't pull himself up to each layer because he wasn't tall enough, but he could climb the outer mesh to scootch up to each layer. He climbed almost as high as Nate, stopping only because he wanted to dance to the great band playing at the end of the street.

Nate tried his hand at some more climbing, this time on a fake palm tree. Unfortunately he brought the wrong kind of shoes -- crocks -- and he couldn't get a good footing. Uh oh, better luck next year.

School Again

It's back-to-school time again. Nate was the first to go and he wasn't really happy about it. Yes, everyone wishes summer would last forever but sadly that's not the case, and poor Nate had to face that awful news. You'd think he's be used to it by now.

Fifteen minutes later as he walked to school, he met all his friends along the way, and of course he'd already forgotten that he didn't want to go. Now he was all smiles. He's currently getting adjusted to his new routine and he adores his new teacher. It looks like everything will work out fine.

Sean was next up to bat. He began his very first day of preschool the following week. He was very excited and is attending the same preschool that Nate went to just a few years ago. It's at our local church so it's familiar territory and Sean didn't seem to mind at all. Mom's been dragging him over there since he was born.

Sean loves it, and of course Mom loves it too because for the first time in almost eight years she has a few free hours of week all to herself!

The Artist

Nate took a class at the county's Art Center over the summer. Recently the Center allowed each of the children to select a piece of their artwork to display in the downstairs gallery. Nate was one of the few to choose a three dimensional object rather than a drawing or something else that could be hung on the wall. Because of that they displayed it on a pedestal in the middle of the room right in front of everyone who happened to walk into the museum. He selected a Popsicle stick and clay creation he dubbed "Nate's Cabin" complete with little fake fish swimming in the stream outside the structure. Our famous artist was very proud of his accomplishment.