Nate is in the middle of another successful soccer season. It's hard to believe that our little guy who used to hate going to games two years ago now runs from the car to the field so he won't be late. He's gotten bigger, stronger and more coordinated, and that's made all the difference. He's getting better at ball control and he's even scored a few goals. He's also lost the timidness that used to keep him on the periphery of the action. Now he goes into each play with confidence and realizes he may win some confrontations or lose some, but he tries nonetheless.

He even looks a lot happier out on the field now, and he certainly enjoys playing with all of the soccer buddies he's played with since he began. Most of the kids on his team are all from the same small neighborhood where we live so he sees them everyday at school too. I'm sure this also helped his confidence since they are all great friends.

Sean enjoys the games too although he spends more time finding creative ways to get into mischief than watching his older brother play. Most of the parks have playgrounds adjacent to the ball fields so we can at least keep him confined to a safe area.
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