Well, no doubt about it, we had a White Christmas this year in the northland. We spent a week with Papa and Grams in Wisconsin, where it snowed nearly every day and got as cold as ten below zero with a wind-chill of minus thirty-five. It wasn't like that every day though. Some days it actually got up into the teens and then it became a winter wonderland. The kids were fine with a brisk, sunny day even though mom and dad preferred to huddle indoors. Nate and Sean both enjoyed sledding on the church hill down the road.

Papa built this cool fort and snow tunnel next to the driveway, combining two feet of natural snowfall already on the ground with the snow kicked up by the snowblower. When all was done, Sean could sneak among fortress walls that came up to his chin, throw a couple of snowballs and then back drop down to safety.

Here is Sean next to the tunnel entrance. His poor little cheeks are a bright red from the cold. Otherwise he was bundled from head-to-toe so the temperature never slowed him down.

Nate dressed up like he was ready for an expedition through the Arctic tundra, which if you think about it, probably wasn't much different from what he experienced that day.
Everyone had a fun week and we're now safely back at home, snug and warm.
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