The next stop on our vacation was Circus World in Baraboo, a large museum operated by the Wisconsin Historical Society. This is the location where the Ringling Brothers got their start and where they used to winter their famous circus in preparation for the next performing season. Quit clowning around, Nate!

It's unlike any other museum we've ever visited because it's not just a bunch of unchanging exhibits. It includes live performances, which really adds to the overall atmosphere and helps tell the circus story. The afternoon performance lasted almost an hour and included several acts including a dancing elephant.

There was even a huge shed devoted solely to circus wagons that have been restored to their original grandeur by craftsman who work on the premises. Nate and Sean liked the wagon that used to house giraffes. They also enjoyed the one that played songs using several different instruments, similar to an old fashioned player piano except a whole lot more complicated.

When they got tired of walking around it was time to get some wiggles out on the playground. Now mom got to do all the work! We were all sorry when it was time to go home.
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