Monday, November 26, 2007

Turkey Trot

Mom decided to run a 5K race on Thanksgiving Morning. You couldn't beat the location -- the local streets of our little neighborhood. Dad, Nate and Sean got outside early to watch Mom run by. We took this photograph of Mom from our front yard because the race went right by our house! Nate and Sean cheered Mom along.

Dad took the kids down to the park to find Mom. Somehow they walked down there just as Mom was crossing the finish line. Here is Mom on her final sprint at the end.

Nate and Sean were glad to congratulate Mom on her fantastic finish. She didn't look tired at all.

Mom waited to see if she might have finished in the top-3 for her age category. We think she came close but the race was so small that they didn't record people's times. So we'll never know exactly how well she did, but we thought she was a winner anyway.

Sean didn't really know what was going on but he was happy enough to spend the morning playing on the ladders and slides.

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