Nate was very proud of his soccer uniform. He even wore cleats!

Sean still thinks he belongs on the team (and honestly, he can kick better than a lot of the kids on the team).

Nate did a great job on the defensive end, but is certainly not an aggressive player. Of course, it was mostly "pack ball" LOL.

Number 18 is going to be an awesome player someday. She was quite the little fireball today and left most of the bigger guys in the dust (not to mention being darned good with the ball).

After the game, we headed out to White's Ferry for a trip across the Potomac River.

They can fit about 21 cars on the boat for the 10ish minute trip. Maryland won't allow a bridge to be built, so this is one of the few ways to get across into Loudoun County.

Don't we look excited to be riding across the river in our hot car? We headed to a wine festival at Tarara vineyards next, but it was so hot, we were all pretty cranky in about an hour.

And here we have Sean on his "ike vroom". He rides around the house singing "ike ike baby" (ala "Ice Ice Baby" LOL)
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