Today was the day for big fun. We walked down to the local Middle School where there is a small sledding hill. It was just about the right size for Nate and Sean to enjoy, one at a time or both together on the same toboggan.

Everyone was out in the snow enjoying themselves. The sky turned a bright sunny blue and the temperature made it up to just above freezing. That was a welcome sight after the heavy snow, high wind and brutal temperatures of the day before.

Even Dad got in on the sledding action. The extra weight actually made the toboggans travel faster and farther so he was a popular companion.

This was a pretty typical scene in the neighborhood this morning. The snow came up to about 16 inches and the wind pushed drifts high onto cars, bushes, patio furniture or any other obstacle that happened to get in the way.

Sean spotted some fresh, non-trampled snow in our backyard and went for it. He is standing next to a wrought-iron chair. The snow is higher than the seat, and goes up almost to Sean's waist!