We continued our Florida vacation by driving down the length of the keys, arriving at Key West. We did lots of fun things including walking around town to see the sights. That kind of movement builds up an appetite so of course we had to stop for some handmade ice cream along the way. We convinced Nate to get a cone placed inside a bowl so that he could enjoy the cone experience without the mess. Sean, our little Mr. Independent, insisted on a cone along. Notice the result. It didn't seem to phase him, though.

Papa and Grandma took everyone out for a day of sailing, snorkeling and sea kayaking among the uninhabited keys west of Key West. Everyone certainly enjoyed the trip. Nate even got to hold a sea cucumber! Yes, the water really was this color. It was an amazing array of turquoise, green and blue on this perfectly sunny day.

Everyone stayed in the same condo area in the Truman Annex area of Key West. There were a couple of different swimming pools to choose from, and we spent most of our time at this one because it was a little more shady and hidden. Look at Nate showing his displeasure about something (can't remember what). Well if it's okay to show Sean with his chocolate goatee, it's perfectly acceptable to show Nate being a little stinker too.