With a 3-day weekend you better believe we made plans to get out of the house for at least a few hours, so we hopped in the car and drove out to the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum out by Dulles Airport. Sean has been fixated on rockets and airplanes the last few weeks and he was excited to see them in person. Nate always loves going there too. Here they are posing in front of an SR-71 Blackbird spy plane that takes up a good chunk of the central display floor.

Nate's had a fixation on touchscreens ever since he got his Nintendo DS for Christmas this year (evil machine!). He kept going over to the display terminals that provided a 360 degree view inside of various cockpits. It was a battle to pull him away from the displays even though there were dozens of genuine airships and rockets all around him. He doesn't know it yet but video game restrictions are coming soon so take one last look at him while he's in his natural element.

We stopped for lunch after we toured through the first half of the building. We actually timed it pretty good. By the time we left the cafe to see the rest of the exhibits it was pretty full.

Sean was a little character as usual. He just doesn't like to have his picture taken. This was the best we could do after about five attempts. He was well behaved during the visit though, and walked through the entire facility without a stroller.