Sean loves bubbles. He also loves to pop them. Sometimes he tries to catch them on the blowing wand before they pop, then pop them himself with a well-placed finger. He's pretty good at being able to run across the entire yard before the bubbles hit the ground.

Here is Sean's patented backhand move. He can wave that wand back-and-forth until a wall of bubbles blows across the yard. Mom got him an industrial size bottle of bubble solution to keep him busy for hours. Still, he goes through the stuff in record time.

Now Sean is reaching for one of those elusive bubbles so he can to capture it on his wand. Before he puts it out of its misery he likes to walk it around the yard and show it off to anyone who may be nearby, whether mom, dad, Nate or even a neighbor who happens to be strolling by randomly at the appropriate time. He's very proud of his well-practiced technique.
That plastic box hanging from his neck is a bug cage. Sean thinks the worms and rollie pollies he's caught throughout the day should be able to enjoy the fun, too!