We went down South to attend a wedding for one of Nate and Sean's aunts. It was also a great opportunity to see many of dad's relatives in one spot, which is something that doesn't happen very often. Sean learned that he's no longer the baby in the family when he met some of his younger cousins. He didn't mind though, and even enjoyed it when one of the little girls decided to make a meal of his hair.

Nate spent a lot of his time fishing for minnows and tadpoles in the little pond behind grandma's house. He fashioned a net from a plastic cup attached to a stick and patiently pulled critters from the waters. It was strictly catch-and-release. I'm sure some of them were caught a dozen or more times during the week, to be captured and set free time after time.

Nate and Sean's cousin joined them in the fishing expedition among the reeds and
lilly pads. Most of the time they did pretty well although Nate did slip into the muck on one occasion.

Later, Nate got to hold a real
crawfish that he rescued from what would have been a horrible fate: the boiling pot. This one had its claws removed so it couldn't pinch him. Nate took the
crawfish to the pond and set it free.