We all got up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa delivered. Nate and Sean were supposed to stay upstairs until 8:00 and they almost made it. When they couldn't stand it any longer, mom let them run down into the playroom where Santa had left his gifts.

Nate says he knows Santa is real because the cookies and eggnog set out the night before were all gone the next morning. Plus, how else would Santa know exactly what Nate wanted?

Sean needed mom's help with the first present but he quickly caught on. He was ripping open packages in no time!

Sean's big fixation this year is airplanes. Luckily he got the Plan City airport complete with turboprop and a little guy to fly it. Sean flew him all around the house that morning.

In the afternoon we went out to visit with Grandpa and Grandma Pat. They had the usual Christmas Tree that reached nearly all the way up to the 2-story ceiling. Everyone had a great time.